Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Getting Started

I've been at this blog for the last three days now and I'm thrilled that I already have three followers - so one is my husband - but still. Thanks for checking in! I haven't figured out how to write to you individually yet and say thank you so I'm doing a group thank you. If you find anything especially helpful please let me know. I've gotten a lot of requests for help over the past several months and I'm hoping I can send people here for a lot of the answers instead of retyping the same or similar letters over and over. It's become apparent that people tend to run into the same problems over and over and this seems like a much better way to offer the help I am happy to share, as well as giving myself a great way to organize what I need to refer to over and over! If you think there may be a better way to organize something or you've had ideas of ways to deal with some of the issues we run into please feel free to share them. I don't pretend to know all there is to know, in fact I use an attorney to get through some of the toughest issues and I'm proud to say I know a lot of what I do because of our attorney, Drew Massey. I like him, respect him, and steal a lot of his best information! =)

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